Portal Support

David Game College: Push Notifications

Push notifications are a little like a text message sent to your friend's phone, only this friend can't reply! Push Notifications are useful to direct your user's attention where you want it.

_dgc_support_centre copy-png-2Push Notifications are created, viewed and sent from your David Game College App Portal. 

This article will take you through the steps of creating your first one, sending them, and seeing your previous notifications.

REMEMBER Only the College Admins have the ability to access the Portal

Creating a Push Notification

STEP 1 โžก๏ธ Once logged into your App Portal, select 'Push Notifications' on the menuthen select 'Create Push Notifications.'

create PNs

STEP 2 โžก๏ธ At the top of this page, you're able to select which audience you'd like to send your notification to. You can send to 'Everyone' or 'Selected Audience.' If selected audiences are desired, simply tick which roles you'd like to send to.

NOTE These audiences correspond directly to your roles within the David Game College App

NOTE If you're attempting to push to content within the App that is role specific, such as an article in the News Builder or a Survey, roles will automatically be assigned to your Push Notification.

STEP 3 โžก๏ธ Next, give your Notification a Title and a Body. The title should draw attention, whilst the body should offer a little more information. The title has a character limit of 40, and the body 200, so keep them brief and to-the-point!

UNSURE? If you need help on what makes a good Push Notification click ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป here

STEP 4 Scroll down and chose where you want to direct the user within the David Game College App. You'll notice these all lead to difference sections of your App. In some cases, you'll have the option to paste a link, in others it will be as simple as heading to the assigned section.

NOTE If you need help with these pathways, click ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป here

Sending Your Notification

Once you've added all of the above details, it's time to send your Push notifications. This is done at the bottom of the Create Push Notification page where it says Schedule. You have two options here:

NOW: This will send your notification to your App users immediately. Once the NOW option is selected, click Send at the bottom.

LATER: This will allow you to 'queue' your notification for a later time in the day or even on another date. This allows you to queue all of your notifications for the week on the Monday for example. Once you've selected the date and time, click Schedule at the bottom.

Viewing your Notifications

Once they're sent/scheduled, you're able to view past and pending Push Notifications by clicking View Push Notifications under Push notifications in the left hand sidebar on the portal.

You have a number of filter options too, as can be seen below. This is the top of your View Push Notifications screen.

You're able to filter your notifications by date, contents (such as title, or body of the notification), sender, type or exact date. Here, you're also able to View or Delete previous notifications.

Still feeling unsure?

Our Service Engagement team are always here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with any support you need.

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