Understanding your Dashboard

Understanding your Dashboard

We know engagement will be high in the priorities of schools rolling out the Safer Schools NI App
Engagement with the Safer Schools NI App is a 2 phased process. Once you've sent out the school's codes to your adult users, one side of it is down to you as a school using the App actively; sending Push Notifications, adding your custom links/images to your App or using it to send out School News. The other side will then be parents or staff actively referring to the App for online safety guidance.

How many people are using the App?

Your Dashboard on your Web Management Portal will give you vital information on how many within your school community have created accounts and added your school on to their profile.

The Total Adult Accounts  will show the number of adult accounts that have the school linked to them. By scrolling down the page you will be able to also view when these accounts were created and which roles have been accessed - i.e: parent, staff or safeguarding lead roles.

You may notice that the number of Total Adult Accounts and the total number you see in the graph displaying the role types do not add to the same number. This is because one adult account may have more than one role attached to it. For example, a staff member who may also have a child at the school may have the staff role and the parent role.

The Total Under 18 Logins is the total number of times a pupil entry code has been used to access the school's account. This figure does not show the number of pupils acessing the App, just the number of times a pupil has. So for example, if the number shown is 20, that could be 1 child has used the code 20 times or 20 children have used the code once. As we do not require under 18s to create an account, we are unable to calculate a unique number of under 18 users.

Further Engagement Analytics

Total Tests Completed

This will display the number of digital tests that have been completed when a user is logged into the school on their App account. This could be the CPD Certified Training in the Professional Development section for staff, or any of the Digital Tests completed in the Online Safety Guidance content.

Totals Notifications Sent and Total Surveys Published

This gives you the total number of Push Notifications sent and the Total Surveys published in your App which gives you an idea of the internal engagement with the App and how much the school are utilising it to communicate with your users.


Still feeling unsure?

Contact the Safer Schools NI support Service Desk using the contact details below.

📰 Check out our other support articles

📹 Take a look at our instructional videos

📞 Phone: 02896005777

📨 Email: saferschoolsni@ineqe.com 

💻 Website: Visit Safer Schools NI and use the Live Chat


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