Customising your Safer Schools NI App

Customising your Safer Schools NI App

There are many options to customise your App, and here we'll run through the basics!

The Customisation page under the Customise App section in your Web Management Portal allows you to truly make the Safer Schools NI App your own. These all have different effects in the App. Follow the Table of Contents to locate the areas you need help with.

Images and Colours 📸

To add or update the images in your App on the title carousel or your school logo, you'll need to go to the Branding tab on the Customise App section on the menu bar on the Web Management Portal

Here you'll see all current imagery and colours used in your App. The colours will be displayed as a HEX code. To find the HEX code for your school colours, you can upload your image to this website and use a picker to select the ones you want. For example, you could upload your school logo and select the main colours.

IdeaWhen inputting your colours, colour 2 will be your main colour on the App.

The you will see the chance to upload your school logo or images to go on your main carousel.

To see which image goes where, see the diagram here.

Troubleshooting: Images may appear to not update after upload. This is the browser caching the old files. Please clear the browser's cache for the updates to appear, or 'pull to refresh' on your app device. Alternatively, our team may still be working with the colours and images to ensure they look their best within the App. 

App Details 

This sections asks for an organisation name, contact number, central email address and website address. Filling these fields ensures that you organisation is named correctly within your App and when visiting the Contact us tile in the App, there are contact details for your organisation immediately accessible for your users.

So bear in mind the information here should be centralised and not personal contact details. They are more suited to the Staff Directory which can also be updated on the Web Portal. In addition, if your school name changes, for example from 'primary' to 'academy'changing it in this section will ensure your App still says the right school name!

This section requires your website, policies and calendar URL links from your school website. You can get this by visiting the relevant webpage and copying what is shown in the address bar. These link to the top carousel in your App, so your users can view the calendar, school website and school policies quickly. If you don't have a website, you're welcome to also link a web based PDF document here. Web based calendars can also be used.



Be Aware! If you're using links to something like a Google or Outlook Calendar, ensure viewers will not need an account. For example, if this is private school office based account that only staff can access, a parent would not be able to view the calendar as they wouldn't have permission. They might see a screen like this one if that's the case. Ensure external viewing is possible.

Safeguarding Details ⚠️

This section fills the email for the Report A Concern and Report and Absence feature (parent role only), allowing for the dedicated inbox for each one. 

Remember, these features may not be available in your region as they may be disabled. You can check this in the Features section of the Customise App menu.

Social Media ▶️

Here you can fill in the links/usernames for your school's Social Media Accounts. In general, you only need the website URL for your profile.

For Twitter you need your 'twitter handle' or 'twitter ID', which is the name on the account starting with the symbol.

For YouTube you need your channel ID and NOT the URL of your page. For help finding this, click here 👈🏻. To access the channel ID, you must be the channel owner and signed in to the channel.


Resources 📘

This section allows you to choose which school resources you'd like to access from your App. Any that don't apply to you, simply toggle them 'off' by moving the slider over so it is grey. Alternatively, if you want to turn it 'on' click the slider again to turn it to green. These are seen in your App in the second carousel down on your home screen. Scroll across to see them all.

Troubleshooting: If you can't see the ones you're expecting, your App may be caching. Initially, try clearing the App cache.

If this has not worked, go back into your Web Management Portal and toggle the resource on/off again and click save changes and then put it back to the option you wanted and click save changes again.

If the issue persists, contact our support team with the details at the bottom of the page.


General 📍

At the bottom there is a General section, containing the school address and Longitude and Latitude.

To find your school's co-ordinates, visit this website . 

By filling these boxes in, not only will you have accurate location details for your school, but when a user opens the Contact Us page, you'll see a dropped pin at the location provided on your web portal. 


Still feeling unsure?

Contact the Safer Schools NI support Service Desk using the contact details below.
📰 Check out our other support articles

📹 Take a look at our instructional videos

📞 Phone: 02896005777

📨 Email: 

💻 Website: Visit Safer Schools NI and use the Live Chat

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