Frequently Asked Questions
Clearing Your Cache
If you experience any of the following errors when logging into your Web Management Portal for your Safer Schools Scotland App, or even if you're having a few issues with your App, we will often recommend that you clear your 'Cache' or 'browsing ...
Setting Notification Permissions
Enabling notifications for your Safer Schools Scotland App is important, as it allows you to stay up to date with relevant and current information from your school, the Council or by Safer Schools. With your Safer Schools Scotland App, this includes ...
On the rare occasion you come across a bug ? in your Safer Schools App or Web Management Portal, there are a few quick and easy trouble shooting methods that often work: Having App problems? ? Ensure you have the latest version of the App If you're ...
GDPR Compliance
We recognise the importance of compliance with GDPR and the Safer Schools Scotland App is designed in line with the principals of data minimisation - Access is provided via an entry or QR code - the information capture is limited to the role of the ...
My QR Code Doesn't Work
Are you struggling to log in with your QR code? Is it taking you somewhere other than your Safer Schools Scotland App home screen? It's easy to jump to the conclusion that it doesn't work. Read on for simple steps on signing in with your QR code, and ...
Forgotten your App Password
Remember, only adult accounts have a password to log into the Safer Schools Scotland App. If you're a pupil, you don't need a password to log in, only your school's pupil code. Resetting Your Password Once you've opened the Safer Schools Scotland App ...
Why Can't I Find My School in the App?
There are usually 3 main reasons that a school does not appear in the App. Your School is not Registered/Eligible Safer Schools is an Ecosystem of safeguarding services developed in partnership between Zurich Municipal and INEQE Safeguarding Group. ...
The Safer Schools Scotland Web App
Your Safer Schools Scotland App can now be accessed anytime, anywhere! You can now access the App through any device with an internet browser. You will only be able to gain access to the Web App if your school is already registered for the Native App ...
Recent Articles
Clearing Your Cache
If you experience any of the following errors when logging into your Web Management Portal for your Safer Schools Scotland App, or even if you're having a few issues with your App, we will often recommend that you clear your 'Cache' or 'browsing ...
Setting Notification Permissions
Enabling notifications for your Safer Schools Scotland App is important, as it allows you to stay up to date with relevant and current information from your school, the Council or by Safer Schools. With your Safer Schools Scotland App, this includes ...
On the rare occasion you come across a bug ? in your Safer Schools App or Web Management Portal, there are a few quick and easy trouble shooting methods that often work: Having App problems? ? Ensure you have the latest version of the App If you're ...
Enabling notifications for your David Game College App is important, as it allows its users up to date with relevant and current information. With your David Game College App, this includes all the push notifications you may be sent in regards to ...
Push Notifications
Push Notifications are created, viewed and sent from your David Game College App Portal. This article will take you through the steps of creating your first one, sending them, and seeing your previous notifications. REMEMBER Only the College Admins ...