Frequently Asked Questions
Push Notification Troubleshooting
Please Note that if you're not receiving push notifications, there is No Need To Delete The App. Simply follow the guidance below to attempt to resolve, and if you're still having difficulty please contact the service team on the details provided. If ...
Notification Permissions
In order to receive notifications from the Safer Schools NI App, these need to be enabled on your device. Enabling notifications for your Safer Schools NI App is important, as it allows you to stay up to date with relevant and current information ...
Clearing your Cache
If you experience any of the following errors when logging into your Web Management Portal for your Safer Schools NI App, or even if you're having a few issues with your App, we will often recommend that you clear your Cache or Browsing History, or ...
Troubleshooting steps for your App and Portal
On the rare occasion you come across a problem in your Safer Schools NI App or Web Management Portal, there are a few quick and easy trouble shooting methods that often work: Having App problems? ? Ensure you have the latest version of the App If ...
Help! I've forgotten my password!
No matter what you've forgotten your password to, the steps below will help you reset you password. Remember only account admins will have a portal account, so in general, you'll only need to remember your App password. You create this yourself when ...
How do I register my school for Safer Schools NI?
All you need to do is complete the Safer Schools NI Registration Form - click here. We understand you may not have all of the information at hand - please fill out as many fields on the form as you can. You can come back and add or change your school ...
Why isn't my school appearing in the App?
Thank you for downloading your brand-new Safer Schools NI App! If your school hasn't appeared in the App, it has not yet registered for access to Safer Schools NI. When your school completes their registration, it's name will appear in the list when ...
The Safer Schools NI Web App
Your Safer Schools NI App can now be accessed anytime, anywhere! You can now access the App through any device with an internet browser. You will only be able to gain access to the Web App if your school is already registered for Safer Schools NI. ...
My QR code doesn't work!
Are you struggling to log in with your QR code? Is it taking you somewhere other than the App Store or your Safer Schools NI App? It's easy to jump to the conclusion that it doesn't work. Read on for simple steps on signing in with your school's QR ...
Getting Started with Safer Schools NI
Accessing the Safer Schools NI App for the first time? Allow us to take you through step by step ?? With its user friendly interface and age appropriate content, the Safer Schools NI App is your day-to-day Hub for everything you need to engage with ...