Support for School Admins
Understanding your Dashboard
We know engagement will be high in the priorities of schools rolling out the Safer Schools NI App Engagement with the Safer Schools England App is a 2 phased process. Once you've sent out the school's codes to your adult users, one side of it is down ...
Adding Admin Users
You may want to add additional admins to help you rolling out and using the Safer Schools England App in your school community. They are often part of the SLT, the Office team or the IT leads. It can help when delegating responsibilities like adding ...
Using the HTML tool
HTML stands for HyperTest Markup Language and is a type of code. This is different from a programming code which allows data to be modified. HTML is code for how data is displayed. Every webpage you visit has an HTML code that is instructions on how ...
Push Notifications
Push Notifications can be sent to you App users to help direct their attention when you want it! Maybe you've made a change to the school handbook, want you staff to complete a digital test, or your parents to see a resource you want share about ...
Adding an Outlook Calendar
Your school or trust may use a live outlook calendar, and this can also be linked in your Safer Schools England App. As long a calendar can be web based, you can link it in your Safer School England App via your Web Management Portal. To find out ...
Forgotten your Web Portal Password?
Your web portal account is different from the details you use for logging into your Safer Schools England App. Only School Account Admins have access to the Web Portal. Your log in information is contained on the original welcome email you recieved ...
Updates to the Portal
We're always striving to improve your experience when using the Safer Schools England Web Management Portal. This might be through finding and fixing bugs, listening to feedback from schools, trusts or local councils. It could even be redesigning ...
Adding and Using Surveys
With Surveys, you can test engagement with the App itself, gather opinions from your school community or even use it to organise the best date for a staff meeting! Surveys are uploaded to your Safer Schools England App via the Web Management Portal ...
Completing your Portal
Customising your Safer Schools England App with colours, images and accurate links is so important for a number of reasons: User friendly - your users can find what they need, when they need it at the touch of a button Staying up to date - users ...
Recent Articles
Clearing Your Cache
If you experience any of the following errors when logging into your Web Management Portal for your Safer Schools Scotland App, or even if you're having a few issues with your App, we will often recommend that you clear your 'Cache' or 'browsing ...
Setting Notification Permissions
Enabling notifications for your Safer Schools Scotland App is important, as it allows you to stay up to date with relevant and current information from your school, the Council or by Safer Schools. With your Safer Schools Scotland App, this includes ...
On the rare occasion you come across a bug ? in your Safer Schools App or Web Management Portal, there are a few quick and easy trouble shooting methods that often work: Having App problems? ? Ensure you have the latest version of the App If you're ...
Enabling notifications for your David Game College App is important, as it allows its users up to date with relevant and current information. With your David Game College App, this includes all the push notifications you may be sent in regards to ...
Push Notifications
Push Notifications are created, viewed and sent from your David Game College App Portal. This article will take you through the steps of creating your first one, sending them, and seeing your previous notifications. REMEMBER Only the College Admins ...