Navigating the App

Navigating the App


Once logged in, finding the information you need in your app is quick and easy. Everything is grouped together for ease of navigation.

All school news updates and communications are in this top section of your app. The latest news tile is where the school may choose to upload its own digital news items. This could include lunch menus, school event news or safeguarding information. The next tiles labeled website, calendar and policies, are direct links to your school's information. The report a concern tile, if enabled by your school, allows any user to report a safeguarding concern. 24/7, when filled in this form will be sent directly to a designated email inbox set by the school. A copy will also be sent to you if you've chosen to supply an email address. In the top right hand corner of your home screen, you can find your account information.

Here, you can view your active profile and switch your school or role if you have more than one on your account, your safer schools. Ni app allows you to have as many schools and roles on your account as necessary. You can add further roles under the account information section by tapping add school or role. Note that you'll have to make sure you have the correct code for the role and school you're hoping to add. You can also remove unnecessary roles at any time by tapping remove school or role in this section, you can also review all of your digital test results from the in app, learning alongside your certificates, and even retake the tests to challenge yourself for password security, you may also want to reset your password here by entering your registered email address. Remember to do this regularly for good cyber security practice. Deleting your account here is also a possibility if you no longer require access to the safer schools ni app and its wealth of safeguarding information and resources.

Your account information also allows you quick access to the unique safeguarding group privacy policy and the app's full terms and conditions. You also have alternative support channels, such as the technical support form, which is delivered instantly to our service team, who will respond as soon as possible to the contact details provided.

Back on the home screen in the top right hand corner next to your account information and the search icon, you can find your list of notifications if your school or the team at safer schools ni has sent you a push notification, you can find it here. This includes past notifications as well. In the event you've missed one, you'll know if you've any unread notifications by the little your notification bell, and the notification itself will read unread.

Beneath this top carousel is the collection of directories in your app. The staff and school directory, if enabled by your school, contains a list of relevant staff and school contacts you may require. The safeguarding help directory contains a curated list compiled by safer schools, ni of advice organizations you may find helpful if you're in need of help or support. The ni safeguarding policies and guidance directory is only available in staff roles and contains relevant national guidance alongside contact information for relevant HSC teams and local areas such as the child care team and the gateway team.

Beneath these are the online safety and safeguarding resources provided by the safer schools ni team. This should be used a bit like an encyclopedia for online safety information. It includes our up to date content, links to the Safety Center and safety cards, alongside much more, which you can browse at your leisure, or as required. 

for further support using your safer schools. Ni app, visit and click on your app logo to see our range of support articles, or you can contact us by phone, email or on live chat, and don't forget the in app Technical Support form found in your account section. We can't wait to help you.

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