Setting Notification Permissions
Enabling notifications for your Safer Schools Scotland App is important, as it allows you to stay up to date with relevant and current information from your school, the Council or by Safer Schools. With your Safer Schools Scotland App, this includes all the push notifications you may be sent in regards to safeguarding updates, school updates or other communications. Apple and Android devices will do this slightly differently.
It is not a requirement on iOS devices for apps to request permission to send you notifications. You will receive a native iOS pop up, as with many apps you may currently have on your device, that will ask if you want to allow the Safer Schools Scotland App to send you notifications. If you refuse however, these can still be turned on and off within your settings on your device.
Simply go to your Settings > notifications > scroll down to find the Safer Schools Scotland App and toggle on Allow Notifications.
Android 13 and later requires developers to obtain permission for notifications to your device.
Your Safer Schools Scotland App will ask for your permission 3 times, unless you allow at any stage. The first time will be when you first create your account and log in for the first time. If you deny at this point, it will ask again once you navigate away from then back to the Home Screen with the reason why its asking, and then once again to ensure you're sure of you're decision.
This can be changed at any time in your device settings.
Simply navigate to Settings > notifications > find the Safer Schools Scotland App in the list and enable notifications from there.

Still feeling unsure?
Contact the Safer Schools Scotland Service Desk using the contact details below.
📞 Phone: 02896005777
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