We recognise the importance of compliance with GDPR and the Safer Schools Scotland App is designed in line with the principals of data minimisation -
Access is provided via an entry or QR code - the information capture is limited to the role of the user and the age range of students is also considered.
Each user is provided with access to content and alerts tailored specifically to meet their needs, without the need to share personal data.
Account creation is only required for users aged 18+, as we do not collect data on child users. For this we only ask for a name, an email address, and a password you create. This serves a dual purpose: to Authenticate and authorise the users.
To learn more about
GDPR, please click here
👈🏻Authentication and Authorisation
Account creation for users over 18 is for authentication purposes. The authorisation comes when the QR entry code or entry PIN code is used to gain app access. For under 18 year old users, we only require authorisation as we do not collect data on children and young people. The school or local authority provides the authorisation to younger users by providing them with the appropriate entry codes.
Data Storage
Our Apps are Data-lite meaning very little storage space is taken up on your phone or tablet. The Safer Schools Scotland App uses less than 20MB of storage in total.
To put that into perspective, 1000MB make up 1GB, and many phones on average are 128GB and more! As for other Apps, WhatsApp uses 132MB just for the App, and Instagram's App size is 248.4MB.
Still Unsure?
Contact the Safer Schools Scotland Service Desk using the contact details below.
📞 Phone: 02896005777