Once your app is downloaded, logging in is simple, but before you start, it is recommended you have all information to hand. Your school will need to provide you with your entry codes. These will be in the form of a QR entry code or a four digit PIN number, and are unique to every single school. This system is in place to ensure that users only see age appropriate, relevant content throughout the app. You'll need to start by creating an account. Please note that account creation is only for adult users, and users under 18 are not required to create an account. When you first open the app, it will look like this. Simply select your role, and if you're logging in for the first time, tap create an account.
You'll be asked for a name, email address that you have access to and a password that you'll create now, once completed, tap register, and you'll see the terms and conditions. Pop up, use your finger to scroll to the bottom and tap, agree. Your account is now ready to use, and please note you will not receive a confirmation email.
You'll now be asked to add a school or a role. This is where you'll need your school's QR entry code, or four digit PIN number. Using the QR entry code will log you straight into the correct school and role, and must be scanned with the in app camera which will open automatically,
if using the four digit PIN number, type the name of your school first and wait to see it in the list, tap it and then tap Continue, you'll then be prompted for your four digit PIN number.
You can add further schools or roles at any time in the Account page, which can be accessed by tapping a small black circle with the little person inside the top right hand corner of your home screen for further support using your safer schools app, visit support.ineqe.com and click on your app logo to see our range of support articles. Or you can contact us by phone, email or on live chat, and don't forget the in app Technical Support form found in your account section. We can't wait to help.