The Travel Tracker

The Travel Tracker

Keep yourself and your pupils safe by letting others know where you are when it matters the most.

Travel Tracker is available on both iOS and Android, and means that users can share their live location to a trusted contact for a limited period of time. The feature enables a teacher, pupil or member of staff travelling with children to share their location. This works at device level, so Location Sharing must be enabled for the Safer Schools England App for this feature to work. 

To ensure proper functionality, Android Users should ensure that their App is up to date. This should be at least version 1.3.0 (35) or later

This is particularly useful if pupils are on a school trip, if they need to find a member of staff at a meeting point when out of school, or just walking to and from school or the bus, giving parents and carers the peace of mind that they arrived safely.

Where can you find it?

Once you're logged in, simply scroll down your main menu and you'll find the Travel Tracker. Once selected, it'll take you to something that looks like a timer.

This is the Travel Tracker itself. Simply use the scrollers to select how long you wish to share you location for (between 15 minutes and 8 hours) and start the timer.
Location sharing must be enabled for this feature to work as it tracks your location at Device Level. You can do this in your device settings.
On first use, and subsequently if it is not turned on, your device will ask your permission to share your location. Once you've selected your chosen time to share, simply click Start the Timer and this will then ask you to confirm you wish to share your location

Once you have started your Travel Timer, it will count down like any other timer. This timer dictates how long those with your tracking link can view it for. You can choose to stop it at any time by tapping End Location Sharing at the bottom of the screen. 

Sharing your Location

During the time it is counting down, you have the option to share your location.

When you wish to do so, click Share Your Location at the bottom of the screen. This will then give you the option to use any of the communication apps on your phone such as email, Bluetooth, or messaging. Alternatively, you're able to copy the link and share on a Digital Noticeboard that you have already created in your App, and share it with a particular audience - maybe the parents of a group of children on a school trip.

WarningIf you're a pupil, remember your location should only ever be shared with a trusted adult.

Simply pick your preferred sharing method and a link will be sent to the specified recipient. When clicked, a new internet browser window with a sat-nav-like image will appear, pin-pointing your location for the recipient. 

As soon as the user CHOOSES to end Sharing their Location, this browser will open but display a blue screen and a message that states the viewer no longer has permission to view the link.


Still feeling unsure?

Contact the Safer Schools England Service Desk using the contact details below.
📰 Check out our other support articles
📹 Take a look at our instructional videos
📞 Phone: 02896005777
📨 Email: 
💻 Website: Visit Safer Schools and use the Live Chat

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