Questions About the Safer Schools England Upgrade!

From 2025, Safer Schools will move fully from the app on the left, to the app on the right. This means that the app on the left will no longer be support on devices from the end of 2024 and we will not be keeping the information up to date. Please ensure your school is registered for the new Safer Schools England App
With this move, the app is now called Safer Schools England. There are improvements, new features, courses and content.
Download the app in your appropriate app store by searching Safer Schools England.
Yes! You'll need re-register your School, Local Authority or Multi-Academy Trust here.
The existing Safer Schools App will be phased out. But don't worry, you will receive communications for when this will happen.
Yes! Our new advanced framework gives you the ability to toggle on/off specific features in your app through your web management portal.
Yes! Schools, Local Authorities and Multi-Academy Trust's now have the ability to delve into user engagement to see how many user accounts have been created and which role/s (Staff, Parent/Carer, or Pupil) they are logged in as.
Note: In the case of Pupil accounts, you will see data on the number of times a pupil Entry Code has been used to log into the app. This is because the App is Data Lite and GDPR compliant so we do not ask any users under the age of 18 to create an account. Therefore, the only data that can be gathered are the uses of the Entry Codes.
Yes! Your Entry Codes for the Safer Schools England App will be unique to you and your school community, and different from any codes you have received previously.
Yes! The new framework requires all adult users to create their own account in the app. This gives users the ability to add as many schools/roles as they need
Your username, password and the URL for the Web Management Portal are now different, and you'll receive them when you re-register for the Safer Schools England App.
If you are already registered for the new Safer Schools England App, you can access the portal here:
If you can't see your school in the organisation drop down menu, it means the school is not yet registered for the app, or hasn't yet been onboarded. Onboarding takes 48 hours from receipt of the App Registration form.On your registration form, whether this is your first registration or a re-registration, we ask for Admin contact details (usually the DSL, HT, ICT lead or someone from the school office). These are the people that manage the account. You can add more at any time. These named contacts will receive a welcome email with details of app Entry Codes and their Username and Password for the Web Management Portal once the school has been onboarded.
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