Downloading the Cambridgeshire Virtual School App

Downloading the Cambridgeshire Virtual School App

The Cambridgeshire Virtual School App is free to download from the Apple App store for iOS devices and the Google Play store for Android Devices. Simply search "Cambridgeshire Virtual School" and you'll see an icon that looks like this 👉🏻. Remember to keep your eyes open for updates too so you can ensure you're always up to date with any changes in information, as well as any new features that may be introduced.

This App is Everything Cambridgeshire Social Care professionals need to support the education of children with a social worker, all in one handy app.

Cambridgeshire Virtual School have worked with departments across the Education Directorate to deliver this app. It is designed to bring together all the key information you will need into one accessible place, enabling you to successfully guide young people through their education journey, from Early Years right through to Post 16 options and Post 18 planning.

You will find advice, guidance, resources, support, and important contact details for a range of topics including…
  1. Admissions
  2. Attendance
  3. Elective Home Education
  4. Suspensions and Exclusions
  5. Alternative Provision
  6. Special Educational Needs and Disability
  7. Exploitation
  8. Statutory guidance
  9. Post 16 Education, Employment or Training

For any support with the information within the app, contact the Cambridgeshire Virtual School team.

For any technical support for the App, contact the support team at INEQE Safeguarding group using the details below.

Still Need Help?

Contact the Ineqe Service Desk Specialists using the contact details below.
📞 Call our team on 02896 005 777
📧 email us at
💻 Website: Visit and use the Live Chat at the bottom of the page

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