Adding Surveys

Adding Surveys

Surveys are an ideal way to gather information through your Cambridgeshire Virtual School App. You can test engagement with the App itself, gather opinions from your users or notify your users of updates to App content or relevant deadlines.

To upload a survey, first you need to have it created on a third party site such as Survey Monkey, Google forms or Microsoft Office forms. More than likely, this is a resource you already use! The reason you can't create surveys within the portal is that the data you collect is yours and yours alone, willingly given to you by your users. The team at INEQE Safeguarding group do not need to see the data, and so by using the third part site, we can ensure that the results go to you.

To help you navigate this article, see the sections listed in the Table of Contents to find what you need 👉🏻

Upload a Survey to your App

Start off by logging into your Web Management Portal and select Cambridgeshire Virtual School from the list. Enter your log in information supplied to you by your Account Manager at INEQE Safeguarding Group or by another admin within the Cambridgeshire Virtual School.

On the left hand bar you'll see a tab for Survey Management. Click this, and you'll see a list of all of the surveys currently published within your App.

Once you've created the survey on one of the platforms listed below, or other chosen platform, click "Add new survey". This will open a dialogue box where you can paste the survey link you've copied as well as giving it a catchy and explanatory title.

Click submit and this will be uploaded into your App. If you're having problems seeing it, check out our Troubleshooting points at the bottom of the page.

Using Google Forms?

This is probably one of the most widely used options, as most people have a google account, and it does not require you to log in to fill in the survey.

Step 1: Once you're in your google account, go to the top right hand corner to the grid icon, and scroll through until you get to Forms.  

Clicking this will take you to a page that will show you any previously created forms/surveys, as well as a create new option and templates for others. Select the survey you've made or create a new one.

Once you've clicked into the form, it will open and show you your survey. Go to the three dots at the top right hand corner next to your profile picture. This will show a drop down with an option saying get pre-filled link. Click that.

You'll then be presented with your form in a new tab of your browser. Copy the link in the URL bar, as shown below, and paste this into the box in your Portal. Once you have, omit the "prefill" from the end of the URL, and that will give you a nice blank survey uploaded into your App.


Microsoft Office Forms

To start using Microsoft Office Forms, you'll need to have a Microsoft 365 Account. Go to Microsoft Office Forms via your preferred browser. Use our link if you're unsure!

Log in to your Microsoft Office account here or create one if you need to. Once signed in, you can create a new form or quiz, open recent ones or see ones that have been shared with you.

Once you've located the form/quiz/survey you wish to share, click to open it and edit if necessary.

Once it's open you'll see an option to Collect Responses. This is where you'll access your link. Once you've clicked collect responses a dialogue box will open with options on it. On the right will be a shareable link. HOWEVER this link will be too long and result in your survey not appearing in the App. You need to tick 'shorten URL' and then copy the shortened link. Then, as before, paste into the box in your portal to add your Survey to the App.

Survey Monkey

You can sign up for free, and use your google account or social media accounts to sign in to use Survey Monkey, although it does incorporate optional paid elements.

Build your survey from scratch or with a template where you can add questions, question types and image.
 Some features may be a paid service.
Once you've chosen how you want to create your survey, use the editor to put it together, choosing your questions, adding pictures etc. Once you're done, click Next or Preview And Collect. Select the option called Web Link.

You'll then be presented with a link you can copy into the appropriate box on the portal.

Other Options

If there are any other major platforms that you use that we've not covered, and you're a little confused, please reach out to our Service Desk on the details at the bottom of the page, and they'll have a look into them.


My Survey isn't showing but I've uploaded it?

Pull to refresh to fetch the newest data for the App. To do this, head back to the homepage of you app and swipe downwards on the screen. You'll see a small loading circle at the top of the screen as it updates. Go into your surveys tile after that and you'll see your survey!

I've refreshed but I still don't see it?

Double check you're logged in to the correct role/school to view the survey. Remember, a survey may've been for parents only, so you will not see it in your app if you're logged in to a staff role.

It's showing in the App but it's saying it doesn't exits?

The chances are the URL that has been pasted has been cut off for being too long. This is most likely to happen when using the link from the URL bar and not the shareable link. Where possible, obtain a shortened link.

Still Need Help?

📞 Call our team on 02896 005 777
📧 email us at
💻 Website: Visit and use the Live Chat at the bottom of the page

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