Account Deletion Process for Bromley Permanency

Account Deletion Process for Bromley Permanency

How to Delete your Account on the Bromley Permanency App:

If you need to delete your account, please follow these steps:

1. Email with your email address used for your account or your account username.

2. Within 24 hours you'll receive an email from the Service Team at INEQE Safeguarding Group asking for confirmation. This will come from

3. We will process the account deletion request 5 business days after we receive your confirmation.

4. Following successful deletion of your account, the Service Team will notify you by email.

Data handling after account deletion:

When a user deletes their account within the app, all user data is permanently erased and not retained by INEQE Safeguarding Group. This includes the user's account and any associated data within it. The deletion process is initiated by the user and ensures that all information is permanently removed.

Still feeling unsure?

Our Service Engagement team are always here to answer any questions you may have and provide you with any support you need.

📞 Call our team on 02896 005 777

📧 email us at

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